2019-10-10 Lang Team Triage Meeting

Oct. 11, 2019 · Niko Matsakis on behalf of the lang team

We had our weekly triage meeting on 2019-10-10. You can find the minutes on the lang-team repository; there is also a video recording on YouTube. This week we had a number of folks who have been working on const evaluation in attendance, which gave us an opportunity to dive into some of the complexities involved there. We also discussed how to make the const evaluation effort into a "shepherded project", a concept that we are still actively developing (see my blog post on Shepherding 3.0 for the general idea).

Other updates on shepherded items

This is our current list of "shepherded items", which are things we are tracking week to week. We're still evolving the shepherding system. Hopefully we'll soon have links for all of these to a good, representative place that explains the overall status and roadmap. All in good time.

  • unwind-ffi
    • created a zulip stream (#wg-ffi-unwind)
    • preparing an RFC that creates the group official and lays out the roadmap
  • "object safety" group (e.g., #57893)
    • no major updates, still iterating on the "in progress" branch
  • re-rebalance coherence
    • we have a spreadsheet mapping out all the possible tests
    • we'll fill out the matrix, but probably ready to stabilize 🎉
  • stabilize proc-macros generating macro-rules items
    • waiting on a report from pnkfelix
  • grammar working group
    • no updates