Lang team February update

Feb. 18, 2022 · Sean Chen on behalf of the lang team

Two weeks ago, the lang team held its February planning meeting (minutes). We hold these meetings on the first Wednesday of every month.

The planning meeting is used for:

  • Checking in on the status of our active initiatives
  • Planning the design meetings for the remainder of the month

After each meeting, we post an update (like this one!) with notes and meeting announcements.

Update from active initiatives

We didn't have any updates from initiatives this week and in fact are thinking of changing our "update" structure to integrate into the regular triage meeting. For the time being, though, you can check in on the progress of any active initiatives you're interested in by visiting the active initiatives project board, which is also a great way to get a summary of the major goings on of the Lang team.

Upcoming design meetings

We have planned the following design meetings:

Design meeting expectations

  • The document for the meeting must be prepared by the triage meeting on Tuesday and posted to the tracking issue.
    • If it is not sent out by then, the meeting will be canceled. This gives folks 24 hour notice.
  • There is no expectation that people will read the document before the meeting. The meeting will begin with a recap of the document.
    • However, there is no rule against reading the document beforehand and providing feedback or advice on how to improve it.