Announcing the Project Director Nominees

Sept. 22, 2023 · Leadership Council on behalf of Leadership Council

Announcing the Project Director Nominees

Over the past couple weeks, the Rust Leadership Council has been soliciting nominees from the whole Rust project for the role of Project Director. Now that the nomination period is closed, we are happy to announce the list of nominees. As described in our last post, we will elect from these people three new Project Directors.

The nominees are:

These were all spoken of highly by their nominating teams. While several other candidates were suggested, not everyone who was nominated felt like they were in a place where they were able or wanted to accept the role if they were elected.

Now we'd again like to ask the members of the Rust Project for their feedback. Please contact the Council in general or your representative(s) to tell us what we should consider going into the election process. We hope that most of the feedback will be reasons we may not have considered yet for why they will be successful in the role, but if there are areas of necessary growth or other concerns that mean one or more of these nominees may not be a good fit for the role at this time, we want to know this as well!

You may reach out to us either on the public #council channel on Zulip or by emailing the Leadership Council at

We would also like to acknowledge the conflict of interest with Mara Bos since she is both a nominee and a member of the Leadership Council. In keeping with the Leadership Council's Conflict of Interest policy, Mara will recuse herself from the election process and instead the Libraries team will send an alternate representative to participate in the Project Director election.

We will be open for feedback through October 2, and elections will take place soon afterwards. We will announce the new Project Directors once the election is complete.